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Types of dinosaurs: Prehistoric beasts
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Let's go back to prehistoric times, so we can meet some of the coolest... and most ferocious animals... DINOSAURS!!
🦖🦖Aren’t Dinosaurs fascinating!?
🤯Who wishes they were still alive?🦖🦖
💭Which Dinosaur is your favourite and why?
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Recommended video: Dinosaurs: all you need to know

Types of Dinosaurs

Hello Happy friends! Are you ready to learn?
I’m Sarah, and because I know that you looove dinosaurs,
Today, we’re going to get to know the most important types of dinosaurs.
As you all know, there used to be loots of different types of dinosaurs
Some huge ones! wow!
Other, smaller ones. Like this one! It’s the size of a hen!
There were also flying dinosaurs, land dinosaurs,
Herbivores, and ferocious carnivore dinosaurs.
do you want to know more about the most important ones? Let’s get to it!
Diplodocus dinosaurs were gigantic!
They could reach 27m long!
and weighed around 20 tons, 20 thousand kg!
Because they were herbivores, I can’t even imagine the amount of grass they had to eat every day! Wow!
Velociraptors, were carnivores, and weighed about 15 kg
They were about the size of a contemporary wolf.
We believe, that they used to hunt in herds, so they were able to hunt larger prey than them. Wow!
Tyrannosaurus rex were between 12-13 metres long, 4 meters high, and weighed between 6thousand and 8 thousand kg.
They were carnivores, and they are still the most ferocious and feared land animals ever to exist!
They were very very fast, they could reach more than 65km/h
Triceratops actually remind me of rhinos
They were 9m long, and weighed 6 tons.
they are the largest animals with horns ever to exist!
And as you can see in the images, their horns were also huge!
Palaeontologists (pei-lien-tolo-gists)
Before I leave!
Did you know, palaeontologists believe there were more than a thousand dinosaur species?

By the way! palaeontologists are people who study dinosaurs!

Goodbye happy friends! See you next time!
I hope you’re always ready to learn!